Policy Briefs

IGR: The Unknown Known, Finds Its Niche

The cliché “there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes” just assumed greater validity in Nigeria. Death is ever present. But taxes or internally generated revenue (IGR), which …

Tweaking the Buhari Presidency

It’s a tribute to democratic values and governance elsewhere, to think that elected leaders in Nigeria will govern well.  Insentiently, Nigerians know that is not the case, since Nigerian politics …

Buhari’s Policy Miscue On Gender Balance

Gender balance remains the biggest casualty of the recent ministerial nominations. Goal 5 of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), calls for achieving gender quality and empowering all women …

Fiscal Bailout: Time for States to Recalibrate

In life and statecraft, there comes a time when delusion meets with reality. And so it is now, for twenty-eight Nigerian States and their elected leaders.  The fiscal cliff confronting …

Salvaging Nigeria’s Local Governments

Nigeria’s moment of reckoning has arrived and it should be a season for purposeful leadership rather than a season of silly politics.  In a nation suffused with developmental and other …

A Nation Steeped In Schizophrenic Amnesia

Like many Nigerians, I loathe commenting publicly about the ethnic restiveness in Nigeria. That disposition is not born of ambivalence.  And I’m not uncaring about such troubling developments in our …

Unbundling Nigeria’s Judiciary

PRESIDENT Buhari recently charged the Nigerian judiciary to “go the extra mile to sanitise itself and improve its capacity to act independently, courageously and tirelessly” while stressing “the financial independence …

Grasping Our Incredulous State Budgets

Purposeful governance requires taking into account parameters and key variables that affect governance before making policies.  Even imponderables must be contemplated.  Such seemingly alien disposition is not governance or policy …

Deconstructing Nigeria’s Power Distribution

Nigeria’s power sector remains in a crisis mode. Thankfully, President Buhari did well to assign the power portfolio to Babatunde Fashola, a policymaker and problem solver capable of discerning man-made …

Social Media Assisted Governance

Governance challenges in Nigeria are broad, diverse and at times sudden. When a list assigning portfolios to President Buhari’s ministers-designate was posted on the social media on 1 November, 2015, …