
Policy Brief No. 24-7| Overcoming Nigeria’s Legacy of Woes

By Oseloka H. Obaze Nigeria’s legacy of woes transects a broad historical and political sphere. Since her independence in 1960, various governments have represented the good, the bad and the …

Policy Brief No. 24-1 |Nigeria’s Malgovernance, Misgovernance and Bad Governance

A recent trending photo of the leaders of the BRICS nations hobnobbing and holding hands across-the-chest, spoke eloquently to the group’s vital missing link and presumptive member. That photo brought …

Selonnes Policy Tidbits: | ECOWAS Unglued And Unbundled

#BuFMaNxit is here. Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have jointly decided to exit ECOWAS. The move is unheralded, but not entirely unexpected. If the UK could exit the EU, then …

Selonnes Policy Tidbits: | Our dysfunctional democracy comes a full circle….

The operating principles of any democracy is the separation of powers between the three arms and the respect for the stratification of the three tiers of government; federal, state and …

Selonnes Policy Brief  84-21 | 2023: Three Categories of Presidential Aspirants

Ejeviome Eloho Otobo & Oseloka H. Obaze*   In the past few months, three major developments have pushed the 2023 elections to the fore front of national public discourse. In …

Oseloka H. Obaze, MD/CEO Selonnes Consult to deliver the maiden Frontier Discourse Lecture, on 2 October 2021 at Enugu

Frontier Discourse~Meet the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Oseloka H. Obaze – https://pacesetterfrontier.com/2021/08/21/frontier-discoursemeet-the-keynote-speaker-mr-oseloka-h-obaze/

Selonnes Policy Tidbits: | Afghanistan: Is ‘Ending the Forever War’ About to Turn Ugly?

History tends to repeat itself, and when that happens, the stage is fraught with recriminations. Afghanistan should be on the minds of U.S. policymakers. It is now a hot-button and …

Selonnes Consult MD/CEO Oseloka H. Obaze At Sapientia TV “Citizens Forum” Pilot Recording 

Today, 3 August 2021, Oseloka H. Obaze, MD/CEO of Selonnes Consult made a debut appearance on Sapientia TV “Citizens Forum” Pilot Recording.   During the hour-long exchange, Obaze and the …

Policy Brief 81-21| Biden’s Likely Policy Orientation Toward Africa

Ejeviome Eloho Otobo & Oseloka H. Obaze* “U.S. support for Africa should transcend the promotion of democracy, and include actions on a range of economic-related issues, in particular support for …