Policy Briefs

Oseloka H. Obaze’s New Year Meassage 

Dear Compatriots, 
As we close out year 2017, which no doubt, was a remarkable year for all of us, we must pause to reflect on the past and our hope for the future. 2017 will remain for some of us the year we collectively laboured to birth our dream of a better future for our dear State – Anambra. Several friendships and alliances were formed. Some proved exigent and some, retain the prospect of lasting for a lifetime. Yet we learned so much within the year, and acquired experiences that will certainly serve us for a lifetime. In all, we salute our ardent supporters and remain very grateful to God for keeping us in 2017 and taking us into a New Year. 
Now, 2018 presents us with a hope and bountiful opportunity to reach new heights and broaden our horizon. Our collective aspirations for our state and nation remains undiminished, as we strive to serve God, Country and our Humanity. As a nation Nigeria must transcend the prevailing challenges inherent in our governance. We must always stand up and demand for the best and the right things to be done in Nigeria. The broad swathe of unmet needs and services need to be addressed expeditiously. Doing so will reflect the strength of government. Our country must go beyond rudimentary services and governance and recommit to planning strategically for the future by reverting to a sustainable National Development Plan. Until we raise the education budget from less than 10% to the recommended 26% with focus on STEM education, our development will remain stagnant.

Closer home, we wish the Anambra State government and people well, but will not shirk our moral responsibility of holding our government to account – that is the best gift we can give to this administration, and to our people. Here is wishing everyone God’s blessings and grace and a happy, healthy, peaceful and productive 2018!



Mr. Oseloka H. Obaze (OHO)

PDP candidate for the 2017 Anambra Governorship Election 



Oseloka Obaze, MD & CEO

Oseloka Obaze, MD & CEO

Mr. Obaze is the former Secretary to the State Government of Anambra State, Nigeria from 2012 to 2015 - MD & CEO, Oseloka H. Obaze. Mr. Obaze also served as a former United Nations official, from 1991-2012, and as a former member of the Nigerian Diplomatic Service, from 1982-1991.

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